Lone humpback swimming up George Inlet near the defunct cannery, surfacing every 8-9 minutes, taking 5 breaths, then diving..........then it vanished.
Solo humpback viewed from shore out at Annette Bay again. Then a pod of perhaps five orca traveling northwest from Mountain Point.
We contacted a group referred to as the Northern Resident Orca Population (see a link to their Facebook page to learn more under our "Links" tab) in the hopes of identifying the orcas we photographed. Much to our delight, they were able to identify a few individual whales and their pods. If you have any pictures of orcas you would like to share, follow our link to their Facebook page. These whales were identified as resident orcas (fish eaters.) They are the A24s. Breaching humpback observed from our deck out near the mouth of Annette Bay. No pics.
Solo humpback near Annette Bay. Pics taken from our deck with the 300mm. Maybe if the weather ever improves we'll be able to get better pics from our boat............
May 2021
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